Day: December 31, 2020
What you’re looking at right now is a mackerel… In a matter of minutes, you’ll discover why this mackerel is the SECRET to you finding the ideal investors for your real estate projects. You end up with qualified investors who know you, know your business model, and want to work with you on every one of your deals. You may think you have tried it all and seen it all, but if you are not getting enough qualified investors, you may never have seen anything like this before… I’m asking you—for your own best interest—to read through this entire email so that you too can discover the secret to finding qualified investors and avoid the anxiety of having to pass up great deals because you can’t find enough funding for them. Are you ready to learn more? Then let’s get started… This secret is about creating your ideal investor profile. If you are a real estate entrepreneur, and you haven't created your ideal investor profile, you're probably out there looking for funding from just about everybody. I’m going to share with you how you can avoid the hassles and effort it took me to get ideal investors for my deals… every time! This is pretty similar...
One of the more alluring myths in real estate is this: Find the deal and money will follow. I hear this so often in real estate circles. Everybody's saying that you just need to find the deal and money will just come through. Yet, I talk with so many investors on a day-to-day basis that spend all the time and energy to find a good deal. And then do you know what happens… They have 30 days to raise money. And most of them fail. They thought that if they found the deal, the money would follow. But that's not true. This myth reminds me of the line from the 1980s movie Field of Dreams: If you build it, they will come. This line seems to forget one key principle in real estate. Where does the money come from to build it? Another similar question for fix-and-flips, multifamily, and all other forms of real estate investing: So, where does the money come? Investors, that’s where. The only way that money can follow a deal is when it doesn’t neglect investors. Investors, then, become the key to success in your real estate deals. Investors must come first—then the other aspects of...